GOD 1st and 2nd!

The aim of this blog is the Restoration of the word of God as the ideal for the Moral values of this country. And the FULL RETURN of ALL of the RIGHTS guaranteed under the ORIGINAL INTENT of the FOUNDERS of The United States of America! Especially the 1st and 2nd Amendments! It should be OBVIOUS to anyone that the Liberal Socialist agenda has failed! ...choose you this day whom ye will serve...as for me and my Blog, we will serve the LORD.

Location: Superior, AZ, United States
Sic Semper Tyrannis!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

What are we to do?

Tyranny, in nearly all of its forms, rises almost imperceptibly. One must be keenly aware of the atmosphere surrounding them in order to perceive it with any clarity. Frequently, mistakes can be made and the ringing of the alarm bell is premature or entirely mistaken. Yet, to not continue watching for the appearance of tyranny can prove to be a deadly mistake. For however much we want to tell ourselves, it just isn't so - is the same measure of blindness that needs stripped away in order to see it clearly.

It is the duty of an American citizen, and not just patriots only, to be on the constant watch for tyranny. Especially so for the parents of the young. For, if one is not dutifully standing watch and the rising of tyranny is allowed, the ones often the most scarred are the young. Just as God, tyranny is no respecter of persons. It devours young and old, rich and poor, male and female. In addition, it is color blind as well as unbiased; in religion, politics and all of the other sorts of divisions that exist among mankind.

For those, presently keeping watch, to shirk their duty could prove disastrous to us all. However, we all have lives to live, and even military sentries and prison guards are replaced at regular intervals. It is a task in which it must not be assumed that 'somebody else' is keeping watch. It is a chore that must be shared by all! And it should be obvious to all by now that the media has long since forgotten its intended purposes and duty. One might even conclude that they are part of the subterfuge with the corruptness.

Even the slightest hint that any in government are exhibiting actions that go beyond the bounds of the law is a cause for alarm. Caution must be excersized in judgement however, due to the fact that, after all, we all are only human. That is not an excuse for intolerable behavior. It is merely an acknowledgement that we all are subject to failure, even if it be grievous. When a continual train of abuse is evident, with no protestation by any in government - THAT IS TYRANNY!
When the courts have blatantly cast aside the true Constitutional meaning of the Law and of our Rights. And refuse to listen to redress of grievances repeatedly brought before them. And indeed there be ample evidence that tyranny has risen. What is the proper course taken to correct it?

Do we declare to those whom are usurping against us the reasons for our anger? Hoping that they will have a change of heart? Or, do we do nothing and tolerate it until the pain gets to great to bear? Our Founders spelled out in distinct detail the long train of abuses for which they were declaring themselves Independent from the Crown of England. Many of the same abuses, that had caused them to rebel, are presenting themselves, yet again, in our present day government. How can this be? Surely these abuses are readily discovered and plain for all to see. Yet there seems to be no public out cry. Certainly not to the extent in which the Founders responded to simular tyranny!

That the mention of God as well as His laws can be so easily cast aside. That those laws, which are the foundations of the laws of man and of the United States are set at nought - shows total disregard of the law, of God and of man himself. One has only to surmise that if such disregard is shown for God, the Law and man - what possible interest would there be for the General Welfare?

What then can be done?
How are we to throw off this perversion of our governmental system and resume being a Constitutional Republic?


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