Proclamation by the Governor, "and the giving of thanks to the Almighty for the blessings He has bestowed upon us as a people", Trenton, 1878

It is expected of the Chief Executive of this State that he should set apart a day to be devoted to family rejoicing and the giving of thanks to the Almighty for the blessings He has bestowed upon us as a people.
With this recurring season we have abundant reason to express our gratitude to the Giver of all good gifts. He has preserved to us the blessings of peace; He has granted to the husbandman in ample measure the fruits of his toil; prosperity has again commenced to smile upon our land; we have mercifully been shielded against the pestilence which has wrought such havoc among our brethren of other States, and we have good cause to thank Him, in their behalf, that the course of the seasons has been interrupted in order to bring their terrible trials to a close.
Deeply feeling our dependence upon our God, I, GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, Governor of the State of New Jersey, do hereby designate Thursday, the Twenty-Eighth Day of November, instant, as a day of public Thanksgiving and Praise unto Him for all His past mercies, and of humble prayer for a continuance of His goodness to us.
The good people of this State know that vast numbers of our fellow-citizens--once arrayed in arms against us, but now, through God's mercy, happily reunited with us--have undergone indescribable trials through the ravages of a fatal pestilence. Although the scourge is well-nigh ended, yet its consequences still press with fearful weight upon multitudes of the survivors, and still call for relief and aid beyond the power of their immediate neighbors to afford: Therefore, I suggest that in every Church, in every community of this State, arrangements be made to enable every one, according to his or her means and disposition, to offer on the approaching day of Thanksgiving, as a thank-offering to the Lord for His abundant mercies towards us, and as a pledge of our fraternal love to them, money for the relief of our unfortunate fellow-citizens of the afflicted districts of the South.
Given under my hand and seal, at the Executive Chamber, in the City of Trenton, this eighth day of November, in the [L. S.] year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, and of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Third.
Geo. B. McClellan.
BY THE GOVERNOR: JOHN A. HALL, Private Secretary.
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