GOD 1st and 2nd!

The aim of this blog is the Restoration of the word of God as the ideal for the Moral values of this country. And the FULL RETURN of ALL of the RIGHTS guaranteed under the ORIGINAL INTENT of the FOUNDERS of The United States of America! Especially the 1st and 2nd Amendments! It should be OBVIOUS to anyone that the Liberal Socialist agenda has failed! ...choose you this day whom ye will serve...as for me and my Blog, we will serve the LORD.

Location: Superior, AZ, United States
Sic Semper Tyrannis!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Proof of the Intent of our Founders is irrefutable...

The matter of what the intention was, of our Founders of the U.S.A., is beyond dispute. It cannot be argued. Just as the FACT of the existence of God is beyond dispute. Regardless of what people may or may not believe, the existence of God is a FACT. I am a person that has heard Him and has experienced His workings in my own life. I KNOW He exists.
By all medical explanation, I should not be alive. I've been shot, stabbed, driven off a cliff in a truck and was beaten into a coma. In the which, I died THREE times. All my major organs failed. The medical doctor over my case told me that he didn't believe in God, until he encountered me. He said there was no way in medical terms that I should be alive. That there HAD TO BE SOME OUTSIDE, (I prefer that it was an 'inside' job), DIVINE INFLUENCE.
By no means do I claim to be 'special' or a 'saint', far from it. For, if I truly received my 'just reward' I'd probably be shoveling coal in the fires of hell! For we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Whether in thought, word or deed. However the depth of His Mercy and Grace has raised me out of the 'fiery pit' that I put myself into. For this I owe Him my life. For it is no longer my own to live.
Even after receiving His undeserved favor and mercy, I have not always 'did the best that I can do'. But have been led away by my own 'lusts' or those from the tempter on many occasions. In no way do I hold myself out as being 'perfect' or 'worthy'.
What I have been led to share is that God is indeed alive and that His Word is Truth. With this knowledge I have been compelled to say to my fellowman - Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand! One of my distant relatives was Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, who at one time stated that God was 'dead'. I am here to insist that God is not 'dead', but very much alive and VERY ANGRY! And that He has every right to be very angry indeed!
The Founders of the U.S.A. started this country with Christian principles and gave Him glory and credit for His Aid that was given. Steadily, over a period of years, the Faith of our Founders has been perversely cast aside and separated from government affairs. The Proofs, outlined in this blog, disprove the 'modern' assertion of the meaning of 'Separation of Church and State'. The clear Intent of the Founders has been systematically destroyed by perversion in our government. This, and other perversions carried out by those in government and society as a whole, can be called nothing other than pure unadulterated EVIL.
What I an contending is nothing new. There are many that are aware and are actively trying to fight the perversions that are so rampant in our government and society as a whole. What I am attempting to do is ring the warning bell, at such a level, that it cannot be ignored. It is my contention that if we, as a whole people, do not earnestly repent - the whole people will suffer the consequences. There are many examples, throughout history, of what happens when a society is in moral and spiritual decline. Many times the result is the complete destruction of the offending society.
God has a forgiving Spirit if one is remorseful and repents of ones wrong doings. And strives to do better. For to err is human, to forgive is Divine. We ALL make mistakes. Some learn quickly and do not continue making the same mistakes. Others, such as myself, can be a little dense and will continue until the pain makes it expedient to not continue on in error. My awakening was quite harsh and brutal in nature. And I can witness that it is not in anyone's best interest to go through a similar mode of correction. It has been twenty years since my awakening and I still have physical, emotional and mental scars as reminders.
Which is one of the main reasons that I am pressing so hard for a return to the morals of the Original Intent of our Founders. If we continue on in the 'status quo' we and our children will surely be brought to disaster. From which, we shall not recover. It will make all fame, wealth, power and everything else totally meaningless. New Orleans was just a 'preview' of coming attractions.
Honestly consider - how many Sodoms' and Gomorrahs' are readily apparent in the present day U.S.A.? Many in science are now proving that the Bible is true. Rather than perversely attempting to disprove it, as science has for decades. Does anyone remember what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? Jesus indicated that it would be worse than that for those who had knowledge yet continued on in wrong doing. How can we possibly hope to escape the wrath of God in consideration of the moral state of our nation? The State of our Union is despicable! We are in a state of immoral slavery! For which we are in need of another abolitionist movement!
Those that try to impose their illegal and immoral views and designs on the rest of society must be put in their place! If they don't like it, they are welcome to leave! Or, get in line with the principles as they are intended! That is the stance our Founders took! And we need to return to standing on principles or all will be lost!


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