S.C. Gov. Manning: “We are a God-fearing people. We realize our dependence on Him and we trust in His sustaining arm.
Day of Special Prayer.
Columbia, Aug. 26.–Gov. Manning issued a proclamation yesterday,
designating next Sunday, September 2, as a day of special prayer for
those who are to be called into the national army by the selective
service law. The governor calls upon the ministers of all denominations
and all Christian people to make special intercession for the soldiers on that day. The proclamation reads:
“Beginning September 5, thousands of young South Carolinians will be
called for service in the National Army. The National Guard of South
Carolina is already in the federal service. It seems to me fitting that
some recognition should be made of the sacrifices that our men in arms
are making, and are to make, in fighting for our country, for defense of
our honor, for the defense of the lives and property of American
citizens and for the cause of human freedom and of human liberty. It is
our duty to dispel the idea that the men of the National Army are to be
looked upon in the attitude of being forced to fight. The policy of the
government has been fixed, by which men are selected for service. There
is, therefore, nothing but honor and respect to the members of the
National Army who have been drafted, as well as to those who have
volunteered their services.
solemn duty devolves upon the citizens generally who will not be privileged themselves to bear arms, but who are in cordial sympathy
with the purposes for which these men are to fight.
recognize the sacrifices that are ahead of us, either as non-combatants
or as soldiers, and that those bearing arms, who are leaving their homes
and loved ones in response to the call of duty and patriotism to their
country, may be called upon to make the supreme sacrifice.
“We are a God-fearing people. We realize our dependence on Him and we trust in His sustaining arm.
therefore call upon all ministers of every denomination, members of all
the churches and citizens generally, to unite in making Sunday,
September 2, a day on which all patriotic citizens are called upon to
offer prayer, fervently and solemnly, for the men who are under arms,
and for those who are to be called to arms and for their families and
loved ones.”
[The Bamberg Herald, Bamberg, S.C., Thursday, August 30, 1917. Established 1891 Pg. 2]
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